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Personal Details


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Phone: 0425782332


  • 1983-1986: Electrical Engineering Bachelor Degree major in Computer Science and Computer Control with Honour at the University of Melbourne
  • 1987-1991: Post Graduate Degree major in Artificial Intelligence and Expert System used to train the Telephone Traffic Congestion with Safer Routes in Communication Systems and Networks at University of Technology

Profile Summary

Referring to Projects and PoC for further information


  • Researched into the System Design of the Land System

  • Researched by applying AI Gemini and Bing into the Developed and PoC into Leshan by training AI Gemini and Bing system Development Environment using JetBrains, Standards with CoAP Protocol/LwM2M System Protocol/IPSO Information Model running using docker

  • Researched by applying AI Gemini and Bing into Developed and PoC into IoT Development Environment using JetBrains, Standards with TracIoT using Java, React and React-Nativ

  • The research process

    • Hypothesising an application to be researched
    • Engineering a set of specification questions used to develop the application
    • Validating the result against the human solution if any possible can be found
  • To be completed

    • Researched by applying AI Gemini and Bing into the Developed and PoC for CoAP/IPSO/OMA using JetBrains Development Tools
    • Researched by applying AI Gemini and Bing into Developed and PoC into gRPC Development Environments using JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA for Java 8-11/Maven and Gradle, CLion/C-CPP/CMake, GoLand, Python with Git/GitHub and running using docker
    • Researched by applying AI Gemini and Bing into the Developed and PoC into Temporal Workflow Development Environments using JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA for Java 8-11/Maven and , CLion/C-CPP/CMake, GoLand, Python with Git/GitHub and running using docker
    • Researched by applying AI Gemini and Bing into the Developed and PoC into Kafka Environments using JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA for Java 8-11/Maven and Gradle with Git/GitHub and running using docker

SENIOR SOFTWARE ENGINEER/CGI Jan-2021 to Dec-2022 (Permanent)

  • Developed 4 releases of the Service Assurance Application for the Mobile 5G Standalone to Telstra with any defects and patches using

    • Java v1.7 and Gradle v1-v2
    • J2EE with EJB, SOAP, JMS, JSON, XML for the Backend running in JBOSS Enterprise Application v6.3
    • Interface vto OSS via SOAP, JMS, CLI
    • J2EE with JSF (static web component), Javascript and Groovy (dynamic component update with restart application) for the Front-End
    • Oracle to interface with Billing System
    • MySQL to store service assurance data
    • JIRA to plan Agile Sprints with new features and defects
    • Bitbucket and Git for source version control to build features and release/patch branches
  • Developed Mobile Service migration application for TPG

    • Java v8 to v11 and Gradle v6
    • SpringBoot batch job
    • Apache Camel


  • Develop Android application to Samsung S10 or S11 running Android 8 OS to manage the defence equipment used to manage the battery charging and the data transportation of defence equipment
    • Java v8
    • Android Studio
    • Android MVVM architecture and GreenRobot Event Bus
    • Raw data transfer over Interrupt Endpoint USB technique to achieve thunderbolt 3 (10Gbps) and 4 (40 Gbps)
  • Develop Proof Of Concept application to deploy two tiers firmware, the Yocto OS firmware running on the Read-Only file system and Application firmware running as the Docker with the Read-Write file system. Both firmware tiers are deployed with Bootloader using the plan maintenance. The Application firmware is deployed with Docker via TCP/IP for unplanned maintenance and during development.
    • Implement the concept to deploy Docker application running DDS from RTI and ADLINK
    • Implement the Development Environment using various GNU C/C++ cross compilation with various version
    • Implement the Development Environment using Docker
    • Implement the Docker application running on Yocto with supporting the Intel Platform and RaspberryPI hardware


South East Water project

  • Develop Android application to Android mobile devices used to perform local Provision, Commission and Diagnostic Test the South East Digital Meters

    • Java v8
    • Android Studio
    • Android MVVM architecture
    • NFC interface between the Android application and the SEW Digital Meter
  • Develop the enhancement to Leshan Device Manager and Leshan Bootstrap to manage the SEW Digital Meter

    • Java v8
    • Jetbrains IntelliJ IDE
    • Enhance the Leshan Device Mangament and Bootstrap opensource to support the Telstra, Vodafone and Opus IoT SIM
      • Dynamic Pool IP Addresses allocation
      • Enhance the Encoding Rule between the Leashan application and the firmware application
      • Adding on the Software Download Management
      • Enhance the Leshan UI to support both Extel and SEW specific UI style guide and usablity
  • Develop the OMA conformance testing platform

    • Java v8
    • Jetbrains IntelliJ IDE
    • Integrate the Cucumber Framewok to Leshan Devicement application thus enabling the scripting to support various OMA data modelling and testing

Sommetrics - aerSleep IoT device

  • Develop the Android application to acquire the sleeping data from the IoT device
    • Implement the X500 certificate using the AWS Service - Cognito to encrypt the data to be transport to and from IoT device
    • Implement the authentication and authorisation using AWS Policy and Rule to work with AWS Device Gateway
      • Java application to store data to Dynamo DB or
      • Serverless application to store data to Dynamo DB
  • Develop the Java application running to the AWS Compute, AWS Load Balance, AWS Scalability
    • Implement the Back End application using Restful API to extract data from Dynamo DB
    • Implement the Font End application using the Enterprise Javascript framework - Sencha ExtJS
    • Implement the Report application to present and export the sleeping data in the PDF format

Extel Technologies - Minimum Viable Product Element Manager for IoT device

-Develop the Android application to acquire the IoT data from Texas Sensor Tags

  • Implement the X500 certificls
  • ate using the AWS Service - Cognito to encrypt the data to be transport to and from IoT device
  • Implement the authentication and authorisation using AWS Policy and Rule to work with AWS Device Gateway
    • Java application to store data to Dynamo DB or
    • Serverless application to store data to Dynamo DB
  • Develop the Java application running to the AWS Compute, AWS Load Balance, AWS Scalability
    • Implement the Back End application using Restful API to extract data from Dynamo DB
    • Implement the Font End application using the Enterprise Javascript framework - Sencha ExtJS
    • Implement Google Map to track the Android application using GPS data and BLE sensor data


  • Most projects at Australia Post were implemented with the following workflows: Digital Transformation Projects
    • Performed the Order of Magnitude estimation with +/- 30% and wrote the Solution Architecture document with consideration to Computing, Network/Security, Storage.
    • Performed the Detailed estimation with +/- 10% and wrote the Design document with consideration to Computing, Network/Security, Storage. _ Performed the integration solution to existing Australia Post IT solution
  • Data Centre Planning/Design/Deployment/Integration at the Parcel Sorting

Melbourne (MPS) - Completed

Sydney Parcel Sorting Centre - Cancelled

Brisbane Parcel Sorting Centre - Cancelled

  • Performed the Order of Magnitude estimation with +/- 30% and wrote the Solution Architecture document with consideration to Computing, Network/Security, Storage specified by the Parcel Solution vendor.
  • Performed the Detailed estimation with +/- 10% and wrote the Design document with consideration to Computing, Network/Security, Storage specified by the Parcel Solution vendor.
  • Designed the Parcel Data Centre with Power consideration Primary, Secondary and Diesel UPS
  • Integrated the Parcel Data Centre IT solution with Australia Post IT solution

INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEER /ANZ BANK Jan-2008 to Dec-2011 (Contractor)


All Australian/Global credit transactions are processed and maintained in the CMP solution before transport to the end systems.

Money Laundry Protection

Tracking all money transaction related to the Money Laundry

Bank Transaction Reconciliation

All ANZ banking transactions are validated and reconciled.

Finacle Retail Banking at China/Hong Kong/Lao/Vietnam/Singapore

Exception step to the above ANZ hired the third party Data Centres for cost affective reasons. The MPLS network is used instead of the dedicated dark-fibre network like in Australia. Most projects at ANZ Bank were implemented with the following workflows:

  • Worked with the Solution Architect to perform the Order of Magnitude estimation with +/- 30%
  • Worked with Oracle or Oracle Retailed Company to perform Detailed estimation with +/- 10%
  • Worked with the ANZ Environment Manager team to plan the private virtual cloud networks to deploy the infrastructure
  • Racked and stacked Commodity to Midrange servers to Primary/Secondary Data Centres with High Available Network, Storage, Power consideration
  • Build the OS, Network, Storage into the planned environments, Production, Performance/Recover, Testing and Development
  • Support the Environment Management and Development team from the infrastructure daily tasks
  • Specified and document the Disaster Recovery Plan with various protection levels, bronze, gold, platinum etc…
  • Performed Disaster Recovery Test with Network, Storage and Application teams to ensure that the Planned Outage to meet the plan protection levels.
  • Transitioned the projects to the Operation team
  • Performed Level 3 support to the Operation team

SYSTEM ENGINEER /TELSTRA Jan-2005to Dec-2007 (Contractor)

  • Deployed various transformation products, Optical Fibre to the Home with Alcatel GPON, VoIP with Genband/GenView, Metropolitan Forum Network, Migrate Leased Lines, ISDN-BA, X25 services to MPLS network, Home Gateway with TR69
  • Integrated various transformation products to Telstra IT application, alarm, fault, performance monitor etc… ready for to be commercialised to the Australian market


Developed the Element Manager to perform Provision, Commission, Operation, Administration and Maintenance for the Long Reach ADSL DSLAM. The Element Manager was developed with

  • Various RFCs for SNMP v1/v2/v3 and ADSL/ADSL2/ADSL2+ for the tributary access network, SHDSL for the repeater network and ATM/ATM-IMA/IP for the backhaul network
  • J2EE
    • Back End: Java 1.4/1.5 and Apache Tomcat
    • MVC Front End: Struts v1/v2 Framework for MVC, JSP, HTML/HTTP, Javascript and WebSocket with value pair for the real time notification feature.
    • Database with MySQL or Oracle


  • Develop the Grant Management System – Web Front to submit grant and J2EE EJB to process grant applications.
  • Develop the Web Application used to submit Student Visa.
  • Develop the Web Application and API used to Basic Asset Statement


  • Develop and enhance an existing Element Management application to manage Operation, Administration and Maintenance features for the switch network.
  • Develop the RPC Java and RPC CPP as the foundation to build next generation of Element Management and Interception Management application
  • Develop the CRUD frameworks for UI using Java Swing and Backend using J2EE EJB
  • Develop the next Interception Management using the CRUD frameworks.


  • Project Management for the Node Management Framework and Application.
  • Develop a PoC for an End to End Management system for SDH
  • Develop the Network Management Strategy for Nokia


  • Deployed various products, ISDN-BA, IEEE 802.6 MAN, SDH
  • Integrated various products to Telstra IT application, alarm, fault, performance monitor


Software Engineer Skill

Infrastructure Engineer Skill

AWS DevOps and Software Engineer Skill

  • Computing (EC2/LB) with Storage/Zone/VPN/Network/Route 53 consideration
  • Storage with DynamoDB/RDS/S3
  • IoT Device Gateway with Cognito/MQTT/Policy/Rule/Serverless
  • AWS Metrics and Monitor

Software Engineer Projects

Infrastructure Engineer Projects

Research/Proof Of Concept

  • Temporal Workflow
  • Kafka and Event Management System resarch and develop a Proof of Concept using Kafka, Java and Golang running on the Microservice Event Management architecture
    • Deploy Kafka version 3.xx zookeeper, kafka cluster, kafka drop running in docker and/or kubernetes pods desktop
    • Producer and Consumer microservice applications developed using Java-17 SpringBoot-3.0.1
    • Producer and Consumer microservice applications developed using Go 1.19.x-1.20.x
  • Development Infrastructure